It's the ABCs of me, if you want to play along feel free!
A - Age: 29.... No, really, I am, it's true!
B - Bed size: Queen... but wishing more and more that we bought King!
C - Chore you hate: Ironing.. I don't and won't do it! Yuck.. I also hate vacuuming.. luckily I don't have carpet!
D - Dogs' names: Casey... he's a Cocker Spaniel/Shihzhu..... You can imagine the nicknames we call him, being that mix! he he he.
E - Essential start to your day item: Breakfast- Can't function long without it!
F - Favorite color: Yellow- it's so happy.. but looks terrible on me.. so to wear- probably red or blue!
G - Gold or Silver: Silver or White Gold
H – Height: I would like to say an even 5', but that's a lie... 4'11" (and a half?!)
I - Instruments you play: PLAYED is the correct statement- Piano, trumpet, recorder (does that count?) and voice- I sang while I lived in newfoundland withThis Choir, Shalloway, but when they first began they were called Newfoundland Symphony Youth Choir.
J - Job title: Teacher but right now.. Stay at Home Mum (and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!)
K - Kid(s): Noah, should be 2 1/2 , and Charlotte, 10months
L - Living arrangements: Hubby, Charlotte, Casey (dog), Bella and Beau(kitties), and Noah in our hearts
M - Mom's name: Glenda.. aka Mum, Mummy, GG, Grandma GG, Dudu... any of those will get her!
N – Nicknames: Refer to Matt's library of strange names- including- Chicken Fart, Turkey Muffin, Old Goat.. all of which sound terrible, but are terms of endearment in his head! Other then that- just plain Jane!
O - Overnight hospital stay other than birth: Only my brith.. and the birth of my 2 lovelies..
P - Pet Peeve: Long, gross toe nails.. there is nothing worse!
Q - Quote from a movie: I don't know..
R - Right or left handed: Left
S - Siblings: I'm the youngest- My older brother 5 years older
T - Time you wake up: When I am woken by the coes of the cutest little girly in the world!
U- Underwear: Yes.. those are a necessity!
V - Vegetable you dislike: PICKLES.. yuck.. but I love cucumber!
W - Ways you run late: When I'm with friends or family who are late- generally I hate being late. Also.. have kids makes you late..
X - X-rays: Ankle- grade 7- broken
Y - Yummy food you make: I make very plain food.. I do need to spice it up a bit! I do make a mean lasagna, and homemade chicken wings... not together though :)
Z - Zoo animals: Elephants have a gentle largeness.. I like them.
Yikes.. that was long!