It was booked for the late afternoon- when the sun is beginning to go down, which apparently is best for photos.. but with threats of rain, we moved it up to 12:30. It was overcast for some of the day, and so for the most part- still great weather for photos!
Emily is a friend of mine- Her and her son Kai meet us at playgroup once a week- a time that 'does a mother good' I look forward to playgroup all week long!
The shoot went really well- I came prepared with a few different outfits for Charlotte- hairclips and shoes included!! It was fun!
Charlotte began in a great mood smiling, and playing. We got family pictures on a little wooden bridge, under a weeping willow tree, and in front of a nice garden, in the park. Milton, Noah's frog came in some of the pictures-as close to a 'real' family photo this family can get!... then.. we got these awesome pictures of her with a green and white dress on, sitting on a mini bright yellow chair, against a red barn- I was about 8 inches away from here- just in case she slipped or tipped and fell of the chair... and of course... she did... and I... miss. paranoid mother of the year- didn't catch her! that's right... I didn't catch my daughter as she was plumiting (ok... like 12 inches) to the ground. Guilt Guilt Guilt!
Charlotte was fine- just a little scuf on her cheek- she cried for only a couple of minutes, and then had more pictures taken!
I must say- there weren't as many smiles in the second half of the shoot!- but she was fine, and happy, and cute as always! Red cheek and all. Thankgoodness for PhotoShop and Mummy cuddles!
I am so excited to see the photos! Emily always puts a sneak peak on her blog section of her website.. it's like waiting for Christmas!
Thanks Emily for your patience and your friendship and your fine photography skills! You really are an artist!
Here are a couple of pictures from previous shoots. These aren't us- I'll post some of our pictures, when I get them! Isn't she awesome! there were so many to choose from for me to post here... you should just check out her website and blog yourself! and maybe- join her Facebook group!
Do you live in the GTA? Or are you willing to travel here to get beautiful family pictures? Christmas is coming up! You should have Emily take your photos!
I can't wait to share ours!
Yes, I agree, thank goodness for photoshop and mommy cuddles! What would we do with out them?!
You guys were great, and Charlotte looks just adorable. What a trooper.
I like that you said it's like waiting for Christmas... your sneak peek is red and green!
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