Here she was 1 year ago
My beautiful girl- ready for this world. A little being, so new, so innocent, so wonderful. She had no idea, and still has no idea just how special she is. Just how much her life has brought to ours.. just how much the hope of Charlotte has helped our hearts, our souls, our minds. She has a life ahead of her, which I'm sure will be full of ups and downs.. but she will always be our rainbow, and our hope. No matter what- Charlotte will be loved. Loved more than imaginable. She's helped us more than most can probably comprehend. More than I can comprehend sometimes.
She is amazing. And to think- she has so many wonderful years ahead of her.
It is my wish for her to live longer than I. to prosper, hope and dream, to live life to it's fullest, remembering that she is capable of anything, and worth everything. I hope that she grows up knowing that her big brother was here.. but couldn't stay.. was alive, was breathing and was loved. I wish they could have met. Imagine.. having all my children together. Oh what a joy that would be.
Here is Charlotte now. My bright beautiful 1 year old.
Happy Birthday my dear girl. I am a proud, happy Mummy today, and always!
What an amazing day for us both. So happy we made it!
Happy birthday beautiful girl.
Found you and following you through Baby Bottom Blog Hop!
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