Here are some pictures of their visit!
here is grandma and Charlotte:)
here she is hamming in up in her high chair for grandma! she loved being fed by grandma!
Grandma gave her a bath- Charlotte liked to look at her book while she was getting clean!!
here's poppy and C, reading!
doesn't this just look like poppy is telling her stories, and Charlotte is taking it all in?
thanks for the mirror grandma! I love it!!!!!
poppy and grandma sat with me in the back seat. I usually don't like people with me back there.. but I tolerated it!!! Daddy picked out my cow print car seat!!
Peter (my brother) and Kate had their baby. After many hours of labour, and complications, she had a C-section. The baby girl wasn't named for a couple of days, however they finally named her Norah Elizabeth.
Norah is Noah with an R in the middle of it!!! and Elizabeth is my middle name (and Kate's too). I was honoured when they named her Norah- I"m not sure if they realized how similar it is to Noah, or if that was a thought when they chose the name- but it means a lot to me.
I can't wait to meet the little one. They live in England. We have plans to travel there in August! It will be so nice for Charlotte and Norah to meet, and play together.. although, C will be 9months, and Norah will be 3 months-- I think Charlotte will have the upper hand!!
Anyway, here are a couple pictures of the baby, and family.

Ugh. Blogger ate my comment!
My sister had an emerg c-section after 60 hours of stalled labour. The similarities continue.
And Charlotte is so chubby. Are you still breastfeeding? That is some super milk, mama!
Oh my, your Charlotte is GORGEOUS! Congrats on your new niece :)
Jane the picture of Charlotte and your dad looking at each other is adorable. Aria also loves that picture. I'm sure you must have been deeply touched by Norah's name
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