Thursday, March 24, 2011

Dear Charlotte,

Dear Charlotte, 

You may never realize just how much you are loved. 

You may not understand the joy you have brought into the lives of many in our family. 

I love you- you are a joy. Even when you are tired, hungry and all together monster-like- we love and cherish you. We are so happy you are ours!

You are a beautiful little girl- with so, so much life ahead of you. Live it- Cherish it- and always remember. You Are Loved

Love you forever, 

Friday, March 11, 2011

Valentines, Daycare and Spring in the Air!

What a month it's been! Ups and Downs- Ins and Outs- and of course- lots of love and cuddles!

First- there was Valentines day!

although we are far away from many of our friends and family- we felt very loved- look at all our valentines!

Then came the daycare drama that I talked about HERE 

So- Charlotte was home for a week or two while we sorted out a new place for her to go. Luckily, Mum and Dad are still here (until next weekend), so we had the help of them for childcare. (phew!) 

We interviewed a number of home daycare providers- and chose the one we thought would best fit Charlotte. So far- it is going WONDERFULLY! I can not say how happy I am! Charlotte makes a very sad face for when I first hand her to the childcare provider- then, sputters a bit- but then by the time my shoes are on and I am ready to leave the house- she stops! They sing songs and dance, play with playdoh and colour! Charlotte eats well, and sleeps relatively well during the day too! She is settling in well, and I am so proud of her- and do happy that she can have a good experience at daycare! I think the difference is that Charlotte needs (as I imagine many 1year olds do) a lot of hands-on, stimulation and interaction- someone to talk to her and teach her how to play- someone who has musical toys and things she can explore! 

Here are some more photos from the past month!
her stacking rings she uses as bracelets!

trying on grandma's fur coat!!

Spring is around the corner! We can't wait to get out of winter boots, hats and jackets and take out the spring jackets- even if that does mean rain! Bring it on!