Monday, November 2, 2009


It's November.... It's the month that fate is sealed.. Charlotte will be born this month no matter what. No matter how.. she will come.
It's scary- most people who are pregnant would automatically assume their baby would be born healthy, breathing, perfect... I don't assume that- although I do hope with all that I am that this will be true. Is there a stronger word than hope??... plead, beg, NEED... whatever it is- it is with all my being that I hope she is perfect and breathing and healthy.

Anyway... went on a little trip to labour and delivery yesterday... I've been having weird pain in my bum the past few days.. a friend convinced me to call.. and so, there I went- called.. and of course- my file is one big huge red flag- so they had me come in. I assumed it was just muscle pain- but it was nice to be monitored for a while... nice to hear her heart beat for an hour straight!
everything is fine... I don' expect I will go into labour before my section date (17th).

Got my H1N1 shot today... I had been humming and haaing about getting it.. then, my dad (a research doctor)decided that it was all we could do to protect Charlotte once she arrives- she can't get the shot herself- and I would do anything to have her not sick. So Matt, me, and the grandparents have all been vaccinated. Now.. lets hope there are no long term effects- my dad has researched it a lot, and it seems to have a lot of natural ingredients- and the 'virus' is not active- it's not like putting the flu into your body... so we shall see. It was hard to get in our area- our region tends not to vaccinate pregnant women- luckily my doctors office is one of the only offices to have the vaccine (it's a huge office).

Mum arrives Wednesday! That will be nice!!!! She's so wonderful when she comes- some people would probably think she is crazy.. and maybe that I am crazy for letting her do it- but when she comes- she helps me soo much, she cooks, cleans, tidies- remembers stuff (I have no memory right now), takes the doggy out, feeds the animals... she does a lot... yet she still knows when to back off!! Some people would probably go insane having their mum with them for 2 months! I don't think I will! and if I do... I'll tell  her, and she'll try to fix it!  She'll let me mother Charlotte, and help me when I need it! It will be great! :) Unfortunatly she is coming to a not so clean house.. it's not bad- but I haven't been able to do everything I wanted- because my bum is/was so sore... sweeping, and dusting and vaccuming don't feel great right now... laundry- even worse!

On Tuesday- Matt and I have been invited to be the guests of the Dean of Medicine at Memorial University to attend a big fancy dinner at the Royal York hotel in downtown Toronto.  we were invited  because of Noah really. My dad started the 'Noah Awards', which is an endowment fund. This dinner is a sort of fund raising/allumni dinner for graduates of the medical school. It happens every year- tickets are usually 125 dollars.. we get to go for free! It will be nice to have a fancy night out before Charlotte arrives... clothing though.. well, they'll get what they get! we will see what still fits me!!!  Generally though- people don't really care what pregnant women wear!

There you go- more ramblings from my pregnant scatterbrained mind!!
I can't wait until this blog is used for millions of pictures of my little beauty!



Krista said...

I am so hopeful for you, Matty and Charlotte. I have faith for her being healthy, and I'll continue to pray for her arrival.

I can't wait to meet Charlotte!

And enjoy the gala. It sounds fancy! :) The endowment is a great way to honour Noah, too.

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